About the Jersey Shore Civil War Round Table |
The Jersey Shore Civil War Round Table was started in June of 2014 in Toms River, NJ. Organized by a group of Civil War enthusiasts, the Round Table encourages and promotes educational and research opportunities focused on the Civil War, its participants and all other elements and phases regarding this tumultuous event in American history. The JSCWRT provides members with interesting discussion topics and presentations by prominent historians and authors in the field. The Jersey Shore Civil War Round Table meets every second Wednesday, Sept. through June, at 7 PM. Our current location is on the main campus of Ocean County College in Toms River, NJ. Exact locations may vary - see the Current Newsletter for event location. The Jersey Shore Civil War Round Table is open to all, from novice enthusiasts to those with complete adoration and obsession. Dues are collected once a year in the amount of $25, students and active military discounted are FREE.
The Jersey Shore Civil War Roundtable is a 501 (c)3 tax exempt organization |